Welcome and Thank you for visiting Creating Blessings. Here I will be posting many of “The Stamps of Life’s” Newest products and many of there older things also. The cards I make are made with TSOL products (unless noted differently) TSOL products can be found on their website here: www.thestampsoflife.com
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Drinks with Friends
Drinks with Friends
Hi Everyone
The Stamps of Life has just released a “NEW” online class...to their website. I have posted the flier below with all the Goodies you will receive with the class- along with a LIVE online class event which will be available to watch after the live event anytime you want. I Love this New class and I Love everything that comes with it Perfect for anytime of the year. Check out the flyer below and be sure to go to their website and sign up quickly...You don't want to miss out of this one... www.thestampsoflife.com class date is May 27th 4:00 pm PT I have posted the you tube video below so you can see all the details. https://youtu.be/z80aadCz9NU
New month New releases
Hi Everyone💕 Can you believe it’s already July? This year is just flying by so quickly…and with a New month The Stamps of life has releas...

Hi Everyone, I have had some questions about how to make the heart sides on my explosion box. Here is how I made them: I used scissors, r...
Good Morning Everyone! Our DT’s here at The Stamps of Life have been making some really cute cards using the June card kit that came out on...
Hi Everyone 💕 Here are my cards I made using the November “Yippee” card kit. And I will be using the New A1 card base dies we got for thi...